Friday, April 4, 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014: D is for Day of the Triffids!


It's a terrific British sci fi horror movie - and it even gets mentioned in the opening song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show - "Science Fiction Double Feature."

A beautiful meteor shower comes down all over the planet - and nearly everyone watches the light show. They are the first victims as they all go blind from the radiation. Then, when ambulatory carnivorous plants grow from the meteor fragments - Earth finds itself in dire straits.

I read about the movie in some monster movie magazine long before I saw it - and when I finally did see it I thought it was marvelous.

Until the next post - roughly the same time tomorrow - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. A classic film I'm embarrassed that I still haven't seen Craig. I'm putting it in my Netflix queue.

  2. Huge childhood favorite and I still love the hell out of it.

    1. I haven't seen it for years - several viewings back in the day though - and I'd like to see it again!

  3. I liked the Triffid movie, too. Those trembling cornstalks made me very scared when I was a little kid.

    1. It is a really tense movie - and the plants are scary when you're a kid! Thanks for coming by and commenting!
