Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A-Z Challenge 2014: B is for Battle Beyond the Stars!

It's the second post in a month long alphabetical look at some cool movie posters - here we go!


When Roger Corman decided to cash in on the Star Wars craze he decided to make a science fiction version of The Magnificent Seven - itself a Western retelling of Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai - and he lined up some solid talents both in front of the camera and behind it.

While credited director Jimmy Murakami may have been a little over his head and might have been assisted along the way by others - the script by John Sayles is solid B movie fun - and the cast plays the whole thing with tongue firmly in cheek. And yes, it's the same John Sayles who wrote the movie in yesterday's "A" post - what can I say - the guy was good. Sadly, we lost him to indie drama - he doesn't do genre flicks any more. In any case, I promise we'll look at some movies he didn't write this month too.

And, uh, Sybil Danning. OMG.

Our next post is tomorrow, I hope you'll "C" your way clear to come back by - until then, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. LMAO Sybil Danning...still in lust after all these years, I see. I really dug this movie. It still makes me smile when I think of John Boy Walton saving the galaxy. What ever happened to Darlanne? I enjoyed her.

    1. I'm still in lust with her alright - and I mean the now her - she's still smoking hot! I just saw Darlanne in Eyes of Laura Mars - she got bumped off about halfway through. No idea where she might be now.

  2. It actually had the attractable actors that TV peeps could relate too. I don't remember this movie though, and I like the B and C flicks.

    Katy Did

    Life's Ride In Between

    1. It was a pretty stellar cast - they even got a cameo from Gunga Din himself - Sam Jaffe! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Classic film Man. I love the part where the bad guy (names escape me) takes the alien arm and the others try to make him choke himself. Classic Corman.

    1. It's really a neat little movie. One of the better Star Wars ripoffs in my humble opinion.

  4. I've never heard of this one, and that sucks because it looks awesome. Totally have to watch it.

    1. Easily found these days - DVD and Blu-Ray - hope you enjoy it!
