Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

As has become the tradition, I turned all solo movie and TV watching over to all things horror starting on October 1st. By the end of the month and Halloween's finish - this is what I got watched:

The Severed Arm

Tales from the Crypt: "The Sacrifice"


The Veil: "Genesis"

The Crawling Eye

Holliston: "The Rented Camera"


Tales from the Crypt: "For Cryin' Out Loud"

Cat People  (1982)  *

Thriller: "Worse Than Murder"

Twice-Told Tales

Holliston: "Skunked"


Tales from the Crypt: "Four Sided Triangle"

The Munsters' Revenge

Thriller: "The Mark of the Hand"

Halloween IV: The Return of Michael Myers  *

Evilspeak  *

The Fog  (1980)  *


Day of the Dead  (1985)  *

Waxwork II: Lost in Time  *

The Collector

Last House on the Left  (1972)  *

Wishmaster  *

The Burning  *

Hatchet III


Elvira-Mistress of the Dark  *

Feast II: Sloppy Seconds


Holliston: "Candyman"

The Evil of Frankenstein  *

Tales from the Crypt: "The Ventriloquist's Dummy"

Chain Letter

Holliston: "Laura's Little Twitter"

The Chamber of Horrors  (1940)

Holliston: "Weekend of Horrors"

Dead Silence

The Terror  (1963)  *

American Psycho II: All American Girl


Man Made Monster  *

X-Ray  *

Diary of the Dead

House of the Long Shadows  *

* = seen before - watched again

So, 34 movies - meaning I averaged 1.09 movies a day for all 31 days! Add in another 12 TV episodes - and you get a decent amount of horror watched!

Spent my Halloween watching those last five movies - having lunch with a pal at my favorite restaurant - where the waitresses wear sexy costumes for Halloween -

Wrapped up the day having some pizza for dinner - and giving out far less candy than I bought to the 15-20 kids who came by.

It was a blast - as was this 31 days-straight horror post-a-thon! Thanks for coming by! I'll probably be taking a few days off (other than the regular departments) - see you soon!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!