Monday, September 30, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #135!

Heavy Metal  (Columbia Pictures, 1981)

I love this sci-fi/fantasy animated anthology flick - with stories taken from the long running magazine of the same name. The soundtrack is also a fave.

All the Way Boys  (Avco Embassy, 1973)

After the success of the Trinity spaghetti western spoofs - the stars and filmmakers teamed up again for this modern day comedy, which was released the previous year in its native Italy. I haven't seen it - but I like these guys, so I'm sure I'd enjoy it.

Some Girls Do  (United Artists, 1969)

The second of two 1960's Bulldog Drummond movies - there had been scads of them in the 1930's and 1940's. When they brought the character into the 60's it was to serve as a Bond ripoff - and this movie's robot girls was one of the sources for Austin Powers's "fembots." I haven't seen this one - but I hope to one day!

Until next post - when we start the fourth annual Halloween Horrorfest Post-a-Thon - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!

1 comment:

  1. All The Way Boys? Ugh, what a lame title. German title is way more fun:
    "Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle" = Two Heavenhounds on the Road to Hell =D
