Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 8/24/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

Myron Healey would, dammit...he would! So here is the choice:

I have gone on record previously saying this movie is underwhelming - but as time passes - I am forced to admit a great fondness for it after all. It's chintzy and goofy and cheaply made - but the idea is gruesome, and the effects by young Rick Baker are pretty awesome. That's also one of the strangest movie trailers ever. I carp a lot about trailers that give away too much - but this one picks some weird shots trying to keep the monster's appearance under wraps in the first half of the preview - then gives up and starts showing him a lot in the second. WTH?

I had managed to glom onto a VHS copy of this - and then was astonished to hear it was coming to Blu-Ray.

Guess who bought the Blu-Ray?

We could have this one in the machine in seconds - if you wanted to prepare yourself and come over  - even tonight!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I had a book when I was a kid that told how to make a melting man effect from popsicles. Classic

    1. That's very cool - say, was it Movie Monsters, by Alan Ormsby?

  2. I think we all have films we recognize as inferior, but sort of harbor a fondness for. For me, it's Her Alibi. Awful, awful plot. Hammy, even for the genre.

    And yet, I own it. And I find myself popping it into the DVD player every now and then.

    Can't help myself.

    1. Me either. Maybe we can pair these two up as a double feature someday...

  3. Incredibly stupid, yet entertaining flick. Still, I'd never buy the BluRay... never!! =)

    1. Even if you found it in the bargainiest bargain bin of all?
