Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 7/27/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

By the light of the moon - I have to admit doubt that William Forsythe would...but we're going with this one anyway...

I howled through this movie in the theater (one of the selected few, according to the trailer) - and I howled through it again on VHS some months later. Sadly, I have not howled through it again since - and that's been a long while now.

I am ready to howl through it again - and it resides in the video vault on a spiffy Blu-Ray - ready to go anytime - and you could join me for it - even this evening - if you were so inclined...

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. A favorite of mine, one of the most quotable movies ever.

    - Cody

    1. It truly is - I chuckle nearly non-stop through the entire movie.

  2. This movie always makes me laugh. The more you see it the better the running jokes get. "Okay then."

    1. It is a movie that seems to build with multiple watchings!

  3. Man, this movie rocks! I've seen it a few times and laughed my ass off every time.

  4. Ha, love this movie. One of Cage's coolest flicks.

    1. It's one that really fits his eclectic talents like a glove!
