Monday, June 17, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #120!

Theme week! And this one should be purr-fect!

Cat People  (RKO, 1942)

I like producer Val Lewton's approach to horror - let the audience imagine more than it sees - consequently I'm very fond of this movie - with Simone Simon trying to convince anyone who'll listen that she'll transform into a large predatory cat if she experiences deep emotions - like anger...or love.

Curse of the Cat People  (RKO, 1944)

After the first movie was a hit, Val Lewton was pressed into a sequel - but he didn't give them more of the same. Instead - he carried on the story with the daughter of the couple in the first film. She is visited by Irina's ghost - or is it just her imagination? For the novelty of the change in tone alone I recommend this movie.

Cat People  (Universal Studios, 1982)

Paul Schrader took a script from Alan Ormsby (Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things) and made one of the most erotic horror movies ever.  My brother - in the throes of a one-sided love affair with Nastassia Kinski that continues to this day - took me to this at the theater when I was 15. That's a pretty perfect age to see a movie like this. It's also full of atmosphere and dread - and amazing makeup effects - and is highly recommended to anyone who likes a little spice with their frights. Oh, and look at THAT crane...

Meow! Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I've only seen the 1982 version, but that one was really good. Haven't seen it in quite some time.

    1. Yeah, a solid remake for sure. I also haven't seen it in YEARS - but it lurks in the video vault...sometime soon, maybe...

  2. Cats are beautiful animals anyway and when you make one a woman it just gets better. That's why Catwoman is so popular.

  3. I prefer my ladies be wolves, but the Cat People movies are excellent. ;)

    1. You do "lyc" your werewolves - but these feline femmes do make for some good transformational troublemaking!
