Monday, May 20, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #116!

Hand of Death  (Associated Producers INC, 1962)

This John Agar picture was pretty much out of the public eye for decades - so I never got to see it as a kid on any of my Creature Feature shows. I still haven't caught up to it! I want to though!

The Car  (Universal Studios, 1977)

I first saw this batcrap crazy 70's flick on NBC when it aired in the late 70's or early 80's. An evil car comes out of nowhere and menaces a small Southwestern town, much to the consternation of Sheriff Brolin. It's goofy, but I like it!

The Ghastly Ones  (J.E.R. Pictures, 1968)

Another epic flick from Andy Milligan. I always loved Michael Weldon's comment on Andy Milligan movies in The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film: "if you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you." I've since seen one of his movies - WOW! It was a stinker! Can't wait to see more!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. As soon as I read your teaser on FB, I knew you were talking about "The Car"! I saw it as a kid and really liked it. Never quite forgot it.
    Bought it on DVD a couple of years ago, and saw it for the first time in so many years and I *still* like it. :)

    1. Good eye on that one RavenElaine! And right you were! It's definitely an entertaining movie!

  2. Never seen Ghastly Ones or Hand, but I really, really love The Car. Far creepier and more entertaining than its reputation. Kiefer Sutherland once said this was the one movie that scared him most as a kid :-)

    1. What was Donald thinking, letting little Kiefy watch The Car? Yeah, it's got something about it for sure!

  3. The first thing I thought of with Hand is The Thing from the Fantastic Four Craig. That car film reminds me of Carrie. I wonder if it inspired Stephen King?

    1. You're right - that thought was in my head too - he really looks like the early Kirby version of the Thing - wonder if ol' Jack saw this movie...hmmm... And I really do believe Stephen King was inspired by The Car - as I believe he even talks about it in his nonfiction treatise on horror - Danse Macabre!

  4. Like Maurice, I wonder if The Car inspired King. Christine is one of my fave King tales and films.

    1. I think he was. Christine is one of my favorites too!
