Monday, May 6, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #114!

Back in the groove after the April A-Z shenanigans!

The Van  (Crown International Pictures, 1977)

One of the first T+A comedies I ever saw (thank you Showtime cable network) and one I still have very fond memories of. I have it now on DVD in a Crown International box set - wonder how it will hold up all these years later?

The Invisible Woman  (Universal Studios, 1941)

After two horror themed Invisible Man movies, Universal showed, well you know what I mean...the distaff side of invisibility in a very light comedy. The lady did not reappear...damn, can't seem to stop that...on theater screens - but her male counterpart did - three more times - the last with Abbott and Costello!

Superstition  (Almi Pictures, 1985)

A really great poster for a movie shot in 1982 that sat on the shelf for three years. The movie is entertaining - sort of - but you certainly couldn't say it's good...

Well now - there's our two regular departments back up and running! And until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Danny De Vito in "The Van"? Was that before or after "One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest"?

  2. Oh those T & A comedies...some of them were pretty funny, others were just head shaking bad. Not really my cup of tea though. I would love to see more of Danny DeVito's early work.

    Superstition and The Invisible Woman, now those I would gladly put in my DVD or VHS players. I love schlock and all its good, bad and ugliness.

    1. No, The Van wouldn't be up your alley, I wouldn't think. But, there is young Danny in it...

      Those two movies pretty run that good bad and ugly gamut too!

  3. Glad to see you're coming up for air after the challenge! I haven't seen any of these films but am very impressed with the Superstition poster art. Oh, boy. Now I have Stevie Wonder's song in my head...

    1. That poster truly rocks - and it's so much better than the movie it advertises. It's not the worst movie ever made or anything - it's just not as good as that poster!

  4. I'll have to look up the last movie. The poster doesn't look half bad... Plus I love me some crappy horror!



    1. Crappy you ask for - crappy you will receive - should you watch Superstition!

  5. The Superstition poster is interesting to me because of the font Craig. It's rare to see that one in a poster from the 80s. Now they mostly use Trajan. Thank you Showtime indeed!

    1. Yeah, I really can't say enough nice things about the Superstition poster. If I had it full size it'd be framed on my office wall. And yes indeedy thank you Showtime!
