Saturday, April 27, 2013

A-Z Challenge 2013: X is for Xuxa!

The April 2013 A - Z Blogging Challenge is nearing its end - but what a treasure trove of people, information, and fun!

For this post let's make another visit to

The Video Vault of Mora Tau! 4/27/13

And did I say treasure? Yes! And you know what always designates where the treasure is...of course! X marks the spot! And in this spot...

X is for Xuxa!

The Brazilian children's show host Xuxa (pronounced SHOO-Sha) has been a mainstay in her country for 25+ years, and proved so popular in the late 80's/early 90's she was brought to America for a run in English, which is where I first encountered her. And once you've seen Xuxa - you're not likely to forget her.

She's blonde, and sunny, and energetic, and well... dang it, sexy. Look for yourself - here's a clip from her American show:

I just don't see the Wiggles or even the Fresh Beat Band pulling that outfit off! Here she is in another clip from something in her native language - as always, she's bouncy and vivacious.

  And more.


Xuxa has toned down a bit in the 21st century - but she's still an incredibly attractive woman even if she's not dressing like a Disney Princess by way of Frederick's of Hollywood any more.

"Y" don't you come back Monday for the penultimate post in this blogging challenge - and until then you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. She's what parents were worried about? I don't get it? she's an abosolute doll!

  2. Thanks for the post on Xuxa. I'd never heard of her until now.

    1. Thanks for coming by to check it out! Please come back often!

  3. I remember her from back in the day Craig. Her thigh-high boots caused quite the stir, but I like her.

    1. I do too! I'm also glad you remember her, Maurice!

  4. I love Xuxa. I am brazilian and Xuxa was a phenomenom in the 80's and 90's. She is still the most famous artist in Brazil even though she's not in her acme anymore. I just would like to point that those videos that you posted were not from Brazil, those videos are from the Argentinian version of Xuxa'show and it's in spanish. In Brazil we speak portuguese. Here's a video of Xuxa in the 90's in a show for teens.

    1. Forgive my ignorance Renato! I didn't realize that in addition to her American edition - there had also been an Argentinian version as well! And I'm hopeless with languages, so Spanish sounded close to Portuguese to me - and I really did know that Portuguese is spoken in Brazil! But thanks for setting me straight! I'll leave the post as is - for now - so you can set me straight for perpetuity! Cheers!

  5. You got a very intriguing X, that letter nearly killed me. LOL

  6. Who the F is Xuxa??? NEVER heard of her in my entire life O_O
