Thursday, April 4, 2013

A-Z Challenge 2013: D is for Dick Miller!

Round four for this blogfest actually branches off yesterday's post - as we're going to take a look at one of my favorite character actors of all time - it's therefore a treat to tell you that

D is for Dick Miller!

Dick Miller got his start as an actor in Roger Corman's films in the 1950's and continued working for the King of Pop Cinema through the 1970's. In addition to his acting he's also done some screenwriting - among his scripts - a co-writing credit on the 1970 Jerry Lewis flick Which Way to the Front?. He's appeared in more than 200 movies and television shows. Director Joe Dante (a graduate of Corman College) casts Dick Miller in nearly every project he shoots. It's also cool that after he played Walter Paisley in A Bucket of Blood in 1959 - several other filmmakers have given Dick Miller's character in their film the same name - he's played Walter Paisley in Hollywood Blvd, and Chopping Mall as well as a few other times.

I could write volumes on the guy - but instead - let's make this a post from one of this blog's recurring departments - The Video Vault of Mora Tau - and show you Dick Miller in action. My thanks to G. Noel Gross - formerly of - for this terrific retrospective of Dick Miller's career, which was produced for a Texas Frightmare show honoring Mr. Miller. Ten minutes - and bound to bring back some fond memories if you used to stay up and watch the late show on TV...go on - you know you want to.

That covers about 25 years of Mr. Miller's career - up to about 1980. Sadly, Fox and MGM both registered complaints about the public posting of Part 2 - because heaven knows, having clips of movies you're trying to sell on DVD is never a good way to advertise...(*sigh*)

And if ten minutes is too much time - here's a shorter clip that was put together for a fund raising drive for a documentary about Dick Miller. Filmmaker Elijah Drenner makes his pitch, and has a very entertaining montage of the man himself included. This one's only about three minutes.

By the way - the fund drive is over - the film is in production - but here's a link if you'd like to see the Kickstarter site - go HERE.

Now personally - I think you should watch both clips - because as far as I'm concerned you can NEVER have too much Dick Miller.

Every time his name appears in the credits, or his face appears on the screen - my movie watching gets a little more fun.

Here's to Dick Miller - and all of the crazy characters he's played!

Mark this post "D" for Done - and until the next one - roughly 24 hours from now - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Awesome homage to Dick Miller, and a very cool clip collection! But--he punched the Professor!

    You know, there's much to be said for movies (and people) that don't take themselves too seriously. I think we could use more of that these days.

    Great post!

    1. He took Roy Hinkle out like yesterday's trash! (That's the Professor's real name. The character - not the actor (Russell Johnson)) There! I just secured my geek card for another three years. Thanks for the kind words, Joe!

  2. I love it, Mr. Craig. I have always enjoyed Dick, both on and off screen. He was lots of fun to have around the office. Somewhere among my New World souvenirs is a headshot photo he autographed for me, with a joke about our tryst under the stars on location (for Big Bad Mama) in rural Temecula, California.

    1. Oh - any chance of that picture being dug up and digitized on your blog? I would surely love to see that! And thanks for coming by - always a pleasure when you drop in!

  3. Thanks for this wonderful retrospective!

    Look forward to the rest of your challenge posts!
    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Thank you very much Damyanti! Please come back anytime!

  4. Replies
    1. He is indeed. I hope the release of That Guy Dick Miller will garner him some much deserved attention!

  5. agree with Jeremy: very, very underrated actor. Loved all his performances in the Jode Dante flicks, especially in Gremlisn 1/2 and the mini-cameo in The Hole.

    1. Yeah, he really pops in most all of Dante's movies - and it's cool watching a new one - waiting to see when and where he'll pop up. I would add The Howling as one of my very favorite of his Joe Dante roles.

  6. Craig, you have a great way of highlighting an actor I know, but don't "know."

  7. Wow! I had no idea who Dick Miller was until I saw the clips. I LOVE THAT GUY! He would have been perfect in Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction...he has that cool gangster vibe for sure. The Piranhas clip = Hilarious!

    1. You know - you're exactly right - he would have been marvelous in either of those or any other Quentin Tarantino movie - wonder why QT has never hired him? His loss! I watched the two clips again - they were a little saltier than I remembered - but oh well! In the trailer for Piranha they have his scene with the assistant interrupting him on the phone - and they out and out BLEEP the GD! Hilarious indeed!

  8. Ahhhh.... he was in Terminator!! I'm not a huge movie buff (please don't toss me out of the blogosphere!), but I have seen Mr. Miller around. You are so knowledgeable! I have to go check out Beverly's site now and see if there are any other similarities.

    If the purpose of the blog touring part of this challenge was to learn new stuff.... check. Very enjoyable read.

    Waiter, drink please!

    1. Ms. Gray went with a producer who has certainly worked with Dick Miller a number of times - Jon Davison - another corker post over at Beverly in Movieland! I'm very happy you're having fun coming by - please continue! There's no telling WHAT we might get up to before May 1st...

  9. I just watched something the other day with him in it. And I thought, he appears everywhere! Great actor!



    1. He does seem to pop up in nearly everything into the 1990's - though his work has slowed a bit in the last few years. Thanks for coming to check out the post though! Cheers!

  10. Continuing my shamefully late comments. Dick Miller is one of those guys who always seemed to be everywhere. He is so familair to me and yet, I hardly knew anything about hi. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Dick Miller *was* in "Pulp Fiction" (sorta). He was Monster Joe, but his scenes were cut (??!??!!??!) You can see the deleted scenes in the collector's edition.

