Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 3/30/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

Alan Tudyk could probably give a rat's tushie - but we're still going with this one tonight:

I had never even heard of this movie before one of my blog buddies reviewed it - Jude Felton over at Lair of Filth - but when he offered up some giveaway copies - I jumped in to that contest with both feet - and as a result now own a copy of the movie! And since I often feature movies that have some years on them with these SNatM posts - it's nice to be featuring a brand new flick in this regular department!

I kind of like animation stories like this - futuristic or fantasy - movies like Wizards and Heavy Metal are high on my list - so this looks like it might be pretty cool visually - and how wrong can you go having Tim Curry as the voice of your villain?

In any case - you could be joining me for my first ever viewing - and that could be happening as soon as...tonight...if you want to come over and join me, that is!

Until next post - which will wrap up the Mad Monster Party AND lead us into the April 2013 A-Z Blogging Challenge - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Congrats!! :)
    Never heard of it. The cover looks strange, definitely something I'd never watch. However - believe it or not - there's actually an animation film review coming tonight on my blog!

    1. Read another good review today - getting ever more interested in this one. And look at you reviewing the animated bunnies for Easter!

  2. Hey, you're not disturbing. Thanks for posting about your site - please come back any time - and feel free to comment about my post - if you want to. ;)

  3. Hmm... this sounds really interesting and I do find the poster strangely cool.

    1. Yeah - the visuals in the trailer look like they're right up my alley....
