Monday, March 4, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #110!


Zombies on Broadway  (RKO Radio Pictures, 1945)

I'm not much of a fan of the (very) poor man's Abbott and Costello known as Carney and Brown - but thanks to the presence of Bela Lugosi - this one is pretty much a must see.

Savage Streets  (MPM, 1984)

Exploitation at its finest! When her deaf sister (Linnea Quigley!)  is assaulted after school - Linda Blair takes a long, lingering, hot bath - then pulls on some skintight black clothes and grabs her crossbow! Violence ensues! With Special Guest Star John Vernon!

Journey Into the Beyond  (1977)
This documentary seems to have originated in West Germany - and would probably be a hoot to watch - especially with the velvety voice of Mr. John Carradine narrating us through it!

Aren't you glad the words came back? Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Exciting posters. Someone said Carradine guarantees a bad movie. I can't say I agree, but I can't say I disagree Craig...

    1. Well, I know what they're trying to say - but in the end they're wrong. Stagecoach (1939), The Bride of Frankenstein, and The Howling prove that statement to be false. However, JC also NEVER said no to anything, so you have movies as far down the ladder as The Astro Zombies, Billy the Kid Meets Dracula, and The Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals. I will amend their statement to this unarguable fact: John Carradine guarantees a bad movie - will be a little better thanks to him.

  2. Cheesy good fun it looks like with all three of these. I have not seen them, but hope I get the chance.Carradine was certainly unique, just as his sons are and were.

    1. Absolutely - the Carradine family has spread far and wide through several generations and their wide ranging resumes. Thank goodness for the Carradines!

  3. Is John Carradine of the famous Carradine family? (David, Keith and Robert?) If so...YOWZA, cuz I LOVE the Carradines! Nice to see Linda Blair all grown up and not spewing pea soup. Gotta love that 80s hair and cat suit.

    1. John is those boys' father - he appeared with them singly in a few projects, and I think all four of them made a joke cameo on a Halloween Fall Guy episode in the 80's. John appeared in hundreds of movies - some of them made YEARS after his passing in 1988. He'd shot footage with some clever young filmmakers - generic scenes of him playing a mad scientist spouting generic science lines, for example - which they later used in movies made post 1988 - with his "co-stars" in the scene tailoring the "conversation" to the specific movie being made - damned clever, and allowing Carradine to continue appearing in brand new footage into the 90's at least. There's still some of this footage out there - but I'm not sure if the last of it will ever make it into any new movies. Vive la Carradines!

  4. Wtf? Zombies on Broadway??? I HAVE to see this!!
    Same for Journey, never heard of it before.

    Yay for Savage Streets!! Seen it last year on the big screen together with "Hobo with a Shotgun" - badass!
