Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 2/16/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

You just know Dick Miller is, so let's put on some paisley and watch this one!

I have loved this sci-fi/horror hybrid from the moment I first laid eyes on it on VHS many moons ago. It's got a pretty stellar cast - in addition to the ones listed on the poster, you get Barbara Crampton too! The Killbots (the movie's original title) look awesome, and director Jim Wynorski pulls off another kickass B movie!

This one recently got added to the video vault on a big multi-film DVD set that is apparently a full screen VHS transfer - but at least I have it to watch! And we could be doing just that little thing - if you want to come over - even tonight!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. OMG that is so funny! Wonder if the scene where the metal claw is reaching toward the blonde inspired the scene in Terminator where Linda Hamilton faced off with the hand in the metal crusher. LOL.

    1. Actually, it was more likely inspired BY the scene in The Terminator - as this movie came after James Cameron's classic!

  2. Chopping Mall is awesome, a true Wynorski classic.

    - Cody

    1. It is indeed - and Mr. W has turned out some fine cinematic entertainment over the years!

  3. High fives! This one is a classic that I never get tired of.

  4. Pop a bowl of popcorn, open up some light beer and play this movie for a B-Flick classic experience!

  5. The title always jumped out at me in the video store, but it sounds like the original title is more accurate. Nice flashback Craig!

    1. Thank you Maurice - so you never actually rented it?

  6. Hilariously silly 80s "classic", sadly not as great as the VHS covers. Two things I remember: awesome head explosion and some silly talk about robot blood :-)
    Need to rewatch it before they remake it!
