Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Video Vault of Mora Tau 1/17/13!

Here's a wild look back at 70's TV - and a promo for ABC's weekday afternoon and Saturday lineups - that will either bring back memories, or make you glad you missed that year in television!

From around the same time - the US government licensed the Batman TV show for a public service announcement about equal pay for women - Yvonne Craig and Burt Ward reprise their roles as Batgirl and Robin respectively, but Adam West - at the time desperate to escape the cowl - didn't come back. Check out the clip and see if you can figure out who's playing Batman here - and no fair cheating! Crime doesn't pay - and in this case neither does Googling!

Who remembers the TV spinoff of the classic flick Animal House? Well, don't worry if you don't - here's a little promo that shows you what America got to see for a very few weeks in 1979...

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Hong Kong Phooey!!! I remember loving that show so much. It was epic! Magilla Gorilla, Squiddly Diddly, The Laff-Olympics, Funky Phantom, Captain Caveman and Grape Ape.

    1. Those Saturday mornings were a lot of fun!

    2. They sure were. God, do I miss those cartoons.

  2. Guess who hasn't seen any of this stuff... :/
