Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies 1/5/13!

Who cares what picture we see?

I do, for Pete's sake - and I think we need to kick off 2013 with a big sprawling

Dusk to Dawn Ape-a-Thon!

Pretty startling sci-fi - with a delicious twist ending - which I will not spoil here - but I can't stop the second movie's trailer from doing it...

A pretty cool follow up - it's obvious Charlton Heston wasn't particularly invested in coming back from his performance - but he's not in the movie that much anyway, and I've always liked James Franciscus.

This one is interesting - because it's obvious they're saving money - three apes - (then) modern sets and costumes - but once they get past the comic bits - it gets pretty gripping!


Now back to the movies!

The darkest of the movies (tone, not lighting, although the trailer does look a little dark) and the inspiration for the recent Rise of the Planet of the Apes - another one that takes a medium budget and works it to good effect.


I am a sucker for these movies - so, yes, I like this one too - but the lack of money does lend it a TV movie feel - and its attempts to bring the series full circle end up muddying the water considerably - but regardless - still a cool flick.

As you can see, I love the Planet of the Apes movies - they were a staple of my childhood television viewing - I probably saw them during their network premieres - I have definite memories of Conquest showing in prime time on CBS - and later local channels would have "Go Ape!" weeks where they would show the five movies Mon-Fri either on their 8:00 evening movie or the 11:30 Late Show. After purchasing widescreen VHS copies, then the DVD boxed set - I've recently upgraded the set to Blu-Ray - so we really could take all five for a ride - even tonight - if you care to come over!

Special thanks to Cody at Life Between Frames for his troubleshooting comment below, which helped this post have its pix!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I'm having the same issue with picture uploading, but I found a way to get around it. The Browse button to upload wasn't there when working in Compose, but it was when I switched over to HTML. I uploaded the pictures that way, then went back to Compose.

    - Cody

  2. Aw man! Thanks for the tip! I will give that a try!

  3. The Planet of the Apes movies are classic Craig. Conquest was decent, but slightly confusing. Pets? Makes no sense. McDowell was great though.

    1. They really are - very cool movies that hold up even today. I love Roddy McDowell in everything - and he really helps the latter sequels a lot just by being there!

  4. These are the only Apes movies for me. I shudder every time I think about that horrific Rise of the Planet of The Apes. What a snoozefest and I can't believe they are making more.

    1. I still haven't seen Rise - I keep hearing good reviews - then a bad one like yours...if we do a Crazy Movie Weekend: Monkey Movies I'm sure it will end up included. Otherwise, I may not get around to it.

  5. I'm a huge fan of the Apes saga. Love parts 1, 3 & 4.
    The first one I've ever seen was Part 2. I was about 8 or 9 and they showed it around lunchtime on Austrian TV - yes, in my youth TV here was pretty fucking awesome :D
    It deeply fascinated me, mainly because I've never seen anything like it. Fast forward 20 years, it's far from being fascinating, just silly and quite laughbale, but still somewhat entertaining.

  6. Oh btw... Boo Mel! RISE is uber-amazing!

    1. Are you kidding? It's BORING.

    2. LOL, I really am beginning to question taste around these parts.

    3. I'll just be over here when you guys hash it
