Monday, January 21, 2013

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #104!

Let's do something a little different in this regular department by throwing in with the:

My Favorite Martian Bloghop!

Our blog buddies Nigel and Maurice over at The Geek Twins are among the co-hosts for this blog event - which is all about spotlighting the aliens in pop culture that we love!

Well, since it happens to fall on Monday - our regular department spotlighting three movie posters - I see no reason to break tradition - and to keep it nice and tidy - we will indeed spotlight some of this blog's favorite Martians!

War of the Worlds  (Paramount, 1953)

Quite simply, a classic. I have loved this movie since first seeing it on KPLR Channel 11 many moons ago. The effects, the design of the Martians and their flying ships - extraordinary!

Mars Attacks!  (Warner Bros., 1996)

A very silly and fun movie - not the first flick to be based on a bubblegum card series - that honor belongs to 1987's The Garbage Pail Kids Movie. But Mars Attacks takes a stellar cast and puts it through some goofy paces. I actually encountered several of the main actors heads from this movie while working on another movie - which I'll reveal in the Teenage Production Assistant post about that movie!

The Day Mars Invaded Earth  (20th Century Fox, 1963)

I think I saw this one on one of my creature feature Friday or Saturday shows way back when  - but I have no real memory of it - so I would like to check this one out again!

Thanks very much to Maurice and Nigel for featuring this bloghop on their blog - bringing it to my attention - and thanks to you for coming by to see the results! Come back often, and comment whenever the mood strikes!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Ha, just yesterday I watched ab terrible flick about a virus from Mars, "The Alpha Incident" :)

    War Of The Worlds is badass, even the remake is pretty good, and Mars Attacks is plain hilarious.

    Haven't seen TDMITE but i'm sure it's better than Carpenter's uber-disaster "Ghosts Of Mars" :D

    1. Man, The Alpha Incident could have been decent. It isn't.

      I agree with you - the WotW remake was pretty good - man I love the original flick!

      Mars Attacks is funny as hell!

      Wow I hated Ghosts of Mars too!

    2. Haha yeah, it oculd have been really decent, but it ended up as complete disaster. Thanks Mr. Rebane, you untalented prick :D

  2. War of the World is definitely a classic--in any age. Nice choice there. I haven't seen The Day Mars Invaded Earth though.

    1. Thanks Jeff! I can't say I remember much of anything about The Day...but I'm sure I saw it back in The Day...thanks for coming by!

  3. great choices... we think alike, be afraid... very afraid!

    1. Jeremy - you can seldom go wrong with 1950's movie aliens. That's all there is to say about that. Thanks for coming by!

  4. I love seeing these posters! Great choices!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm pleased you dropped by from the bloghop - feel free to come back anytime!

  5. What a great set of posters Craig! I hadn't seen the "Mars Attacks" poster in a while. Still holds up. Thanks for jumping in the blog hop.

    1. Thank you Maurice - and thank you guys for the bloghop! Look at all these wonderful people (you included) taking time to comment on this post! Cheers!

  6. Great posters. So fun to look at aliens of by-gone eras! :D My Martian Post. Happy Monday!

    1. Your post was very cool - thanks for coming to check mine out! I hope your Monday went well too - I'm still commenting on Tuesday! Cheers!

  7. I love those old sci-fi movies. They're such great fun and the posters are wonderful. Great to meet you!

    1. Great to meet you too - although - I think we might have encountered each other in an A-Z Challenge - unless that was an alien disguised as you! Cheers!

  8. Great posters and great choices for your favorite martians!

  9. On behalf of our Martian Overlords I fully endorse this message.

    1. Glad to see you've accepted the new regime! Cheers!

  10. Saying hello from the blogfest. Thanks for sharing those old movie posters. They have such a vintage flair to them.

    1. Saying hello back from this blog! ;) You're welcome - I'd like to think I have a bit of vintage flair about me! Cheers!

  11. Nice posters to share. I remember loving 'Mars Attacks' when it first got to the cable movie channel. :) Thanks for Blog Hopping with us.

    1. It's been a blast! Thanks for having me! I guess you haven't seen the other two movies?

  12. One of the historical oddities I wish I could experience for myself was the hysteria provoked by Orson Welles' radio version of War of the Worlds.

    1. Tony - that's one of my time machine destinations, actually! Great minds...

      Have you ever heard the show - it's pretty wild to listen to, even today! I'd also recommend tracking down a TV movie from the 70's called The Night That Panicked America - which dramatises that night. Fun stuff!

  13. Mars Attacks was awesome and the original War of the Worlds is still one of my faves.

    1. MB! What a blast this has been around the blogosphere! I was pretty sure those very movies would be on your list - we all need to track down the third one and watch it together - all 52 of us bloghoppers from this hop! Cheers!

  14. Good choices. Been awhile since I've seen them. I agree with you and Tony about the radio show. How cool would that be to experience. Like your site, especially the movie poster mondays so I'm now following you. Julie @

    1. Thank you for the follow, Julie! I really appreciate it! Come often, stay late, and comment any time the mood strikes!

  15. It's nice to see movie posters that aren't primarily focused on actor's. I especially liked the Mars Attacks one.

    1. Thank you for the kind words - and may I say - you ARE Adorably Dead?

  16. I haven't seen the original WotW, but saw the remake. I liked that but I guess I can't really judge it properly till I've seen the original ;)
