Monday, December 24, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #100!

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the blog, picking up steam...three movie posters were stirring - and there was definitely a theme!

It's the big 100th edition of this trifecta movie poster celebration! Huzzah! And this week the theme is:

Christmas Movies I've Never Heard Of!

Christmas Knight  (Mike Hill Productions, 2012)

I'm not entirely sure this movie has been completed - but wow - Santa Claus as a superhero? Sure, why not?  I'd see it quick if you get a chance - that Santamobile design alone should be bringing Warner Bros.' lawyers down on these guys!

A Trap for Santa Claus  (Biograph, 1909)

It's like Santa meets Saw! Silent! Stupendously old! This is now the oldest movie poster featured in this blog series!

A Cadaver Christmas  (Prescribed Films, 2011)

Another one I'm not sure has been released - but I'll check it out when it is - it looks pretty funny!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I love a good horror film on Christmas...Cuts the sugar and nicey nice overload. ;) This is the time of year when I get my fill of Rankin and Bass stop motion.

    1. This really does look like it might be funny - definitely want to check it out when I get the chance! Merry Christmas, buddy!

  2. The first two are completely unknown to me, but just recently I've read a very positive review of Cadaver Christmas. Guess I have to check this one out next year :-)
