Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 10/20/12!

A brief announcement before your regularly scheduled blog post:
This is Let's Get Out of Here's 500th Post!!!!!


I'm chuffed! Back to business!

Who cares what picture we see?

I would be very sad if Katheryn Winnick didn't, so I'm going to believe she does and pick this one:

The premise to this one caught my eye - and I got it sent over from Netflix - I will say no more about the plot - suffice to say there are three lovely ladies, and scary andbad things happen to them. I quite enjoyed the movie - but it isn't greatly known, even to a lot of horror buffs.

Did I mention that the main lovely lady is played by Katheryn Winnick?!?

Oh my yes please!

I've since scooped up my own copy on DVD for the video vault, and we could be taking a look at it as soon as...tonight...if you dare to venture out to my place after dark...

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Wahoo, congrats!!! Let's drink to the next 500 :-)
    I've seen Amusement 2-3 years ago and I loved it. Dunno why so many horror buffs hate it that much.

    1. Thank you Harry! I'll drink to that!

      I'm pleased you liked Amusement - it seemed like it might be run of the mill - but it had...something...that made it stand out to me. Cheers!

  2. congrats!!!!

  3. Congratulations on the 500th post, Craig! Awesome...

    1. Thanks Mark! It's been a long road, but I've enjoyed every step!

  4. How did I miss this post? I feel like an utter dumbass. A huge Congratulations, my friend. Here's to a blogosphere that will always have LGOOH!

    HAve not seen Amusement, but will definitely give it a watch.

    1. Thank you Melissa! Sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment - the 31 days straight of posting had me a little lost on whether I was coming or going. I want to hear what you think of this one when you see it. It was a hit at Crazy Movie Weekend too!

  5. I really like this one, too. I don't get why horror fans hate it? Mediocrity was it? I dunno, I normally call balderbash on that!

    1. Yeah, it has some terrific moments, and it surprised my movie buddy nephew James - so it has to be pretty good! Balderdash on not liking this movie indeed!
