Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pieces of Talent Worldwide Online Screening!

Exciting news all!

Remember that independent horror movie that I got to see in a cast and crew screening this past spring? Well, Pieces of Talent is available in a special online screening program from their website:

The initial screening price was $5.55, but they have done a couple of sales in the days since, and the price has been as low as $2.99. That is the listed sale price through October. However, it could be either of those or anywhere in between when you get to the site - but even $5.55 is a good price to watch this flick - and I highly recommend it. You make the payment through Paypal, and the film is yours to view for 24 hours.

So far, my pals who have taken the chance have come back with positive reviews themselves.

After this special screening period is over - I'm not sure where Pieces of Talent will next turn up - so if you're interested in seeing it - this is a good time to do it. Sometimes the negotiations for a video release or theatrical run can take more than a year to nail down.

Here is my review from the screening - spoiler free, if you want to check it out before purchasing a view.

Hope you check it out and enjoy it! Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh man, that's great! Man, hope you like it! What was the cost in Austrian money?
