Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 8/25/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if Jackie Joseph didn't - and with all the Roger Corman shenanigans around here this week - we will go with this one:

I remember missing this movie the first time it aired when I was watching the Saturday Night Chiller Theater movies from channels 11 and 30 out of St. Louis Missouri - I think I had to go somewhere with my parents and we got home right as it was ending or something. Oh, how did we live in those days before DVRs, or VCRs even?

I saw it the next time it came around - and I think I was aware that it was "The Movie Shot in Two Days" even then - because TV Guide actually mentioned that in the blurb! Roger Corman bet someone he could shoot a feature film in two days before some sets were torn down - or so the legend goes. What he got was this completely maniacal movie with a young schnook coming up with a talking, man-eating plant that hypnotizes him into killing. It's pretty funny; it's got Dick Miller in it - and I'll be telling the story of how I hung out with Mel Welles years later in a post here sometime!

This movie - like a lot of early Corman features - has fallen into the public domain - mainly because in a rare run of shortsightedness - Roger Corman didn't think these slapdash movies he was tossing off would have any kind of second life - so his notorious stingy side came out and he refused to pay the $25 or $50 each it would have taken to copyright these flicks. Consequently, they fell into the public domain somewhere along the line.

Due to that, this movie is a staple of bargain bins from the days of VHS through DVD - I own several copies, and we could definitely be giving this one a watch - if you want to visit, that is - even tonight!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I love this movie so much. The story with its killer plant just gets me every time. "Feed me, Seymour!" LOL

    1. It's remarkably good for being almost completely shot in two days - but that's due a lot to the cast - who all work very well together - including young Jack Nicholson!

  2. Never seen Corman's original, I've only see the 80s remake.
    Fortunately, it's on my Mill Creek CHILLING 20 Movies Pack, so I'll finally and definitely see it in the near future :)

    Btw, I heard that the director's cut of the 80s Shop is coming in October, the one with the orginal ending - finally!!

    1. I'll be interested to see what you think - keeping in mind it's a $60,000 movie 90% shot in two days.

      I've heard of that other ending - but I didn't know they'd shot it - unless this is one of those deals where they didn't actually shoot it back then but do it now with CGI to look like it was shot back then?

  3. Two days?! Okay, really now, Corman's starting to impress me!

    1. He's been impressing me for decades. Welcome to the club!
