Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 8/18/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

I wonder once in a while if Alan Rachins might - so we shall make this choice:

I really enjoyed this movie back when I watched it during my "Summer of Joe Bob," where I was trying to watch all of the movies reviewed in Joe Bob Briggs's first two books. (For the record -  I got most of them under my belt, but there were a few obscurities I never tracked down.)

This goofy action movie was the last project for the great Forrest Tucker - star of TV's F Troop. It's got fun old school stunts and action - and yes, as the trailer shows - they actually jump a semi and trailer over a train!

I posted my old Mad Mike newsletter review of Thunder Run here on LGOOH as a Buddha Man entry - and it really got me wanting to see the movie again. One quiet search later - the movie suddenly resides in the video vault on a shiny new DVD-R. (Hey, I'd buy a regular DVD of this in a heartbeat - but if it's not available, and someone wants to share a copy of the old VHS with me....?)

In any case, we could be giving that disc a spin - even tonight - you know, if you came over!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Forrest Tucker, now there was a great character actor. I used to just love him and F Troop was a fave show as I grew up. I used to watch it when I was home sick from school.

    1. F Troop is a hilarious show - I just added the whole run to the video vault - and of course, Mr. Tucker was the special guest at a home cooked dinner attended by my uncle - who reported the star as a "great guy!" I was thoroughly pleased to hear that!

  2. I remember the cover artwork from my fave rental store back in the 90s, but I've never seen it.

    1. It's a fun 80's action flick - the kind they truly don't make any more - and is well worth a watch.
