Monday, July 2, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #75!

The Indestructible Man  (Allied Artists, 1956)

This rather stodgy revenge opus was apparently shown a lot in various afternoon movie and late late show slots across the country, but I didn't see it until an airing on AMC, I think. It's not great, but I've always liked Chaney, so it's worth checking out. Great poster though!

Three the Hard Way  (Allied Artists, 1974)

No action fan could resist the teaming of these three stars - and indeed - this is a lot of trashy fun - directed by Gordon Parks Jr. and produced by Harry Bernsen (Corbin's pop!) I'd like to see this again - which works out well as I just added it to the video vault!

Hercules  (Cannon Film Distributors, 1983)

This awesomely silly Italian fantasy gives us "The Incredible" Lou Ferrigno (with a dubbed voice) as the Grecian hero, with lots of director Lewis Coates's (read Luigi Cozzi's) patented special effects.

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Hercules from Luigi Cozzi? Ha, just a few days ago I watched Cozzi's Alien cash-in "Contamination" - hilarious flick :)

    1. Cozzi is a fun filmmaker for sure - his movies can be pretty goofy - but they keep the entertainment rolling!

  2. That "Three the Hard way" poster is the ultimate in awesome blaxpoitation Craig. Lon Chaney was a genius so I'll tweet that poster later. Hercules was so-bad-it's-good.

    1. Maurice - Three the Hard Way is a fantastic poster! And thanks for the Indestructible Man tweet! You pegged Hercules as well! Cheers!

  3. I do remember watching Hercules. What poster art... It looks like Hercules is battling the aliens from the old War of the Worlds flick. ;) It was a funny little flick, though, and I enjoyed it.

    1. Yeah, I like all of Lou's Italian movies - from this one and its sequel through Sinbad of the Seven Seas and The Seven Magnificent Warriors!
