Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Secret Origins: Crazy Movie Weekends!

A quick history of the legendary Crazy Movie Weekend:

Labor Day weekend 2011 my nephew James and I decided to finally try an idea I'd had for several months - while our wives were off with others in the family prepping and painting a nursery that would be occupied in a few months - James joined me for the weekend, and we planned to cram as many movies as humanly possible in before Sunday afternoon. (I had to work Monday. Boo hiss.) We went without a theme to the movies - so it was

 Crazy Movie Weekend: Random a Go Go!

We ended up with 14 films watched - starting with Andy Sidaris's Seven (1979) and ending with Hobo with a Shotgun. My pal Ray dropped in for a few of the flicks on Saturday. We also ventured out to the theater for a double feature of Apollo 18 and Shark Night 3-D Saturday afternoon. That they were both "meh" is beside the point.

Here's a couple of shots taken right off my TV screen that weekend:

Heather Thomas breaks the news to Willie Aames that she used a body double in Zapped!

Rutger Hauer is...Hobo with a Shotgun!

We had a great time - and James still calls Hobo with a Shotgun the highest point of all of the Crazy Movie Weekends.

October 28th-30th 2011 -

 Crazy Movie Weekend - Halloween Horrorfest!

We started with Halloween (1978) Friday night and went through to Night of the Living Dead hosted by Elvira on Sunday afternoon - 13 movies in all - a very appropriate number! Lots of guests in and out for this one - the biggest attendance was seven people Saturday night for Zombie Strippers, Blood Feast, Frozen, and Human Centipede 2.

A Halloween-y pizza snack courtesy Papa Murphy's Take-n-Bake.

Blood Feast - the infamous tongue scene.

While Team Movie kept a running bodycount for the weekend, Team Fun (as they called themselves)
worked on some special jack'o'lanterns. It all came together for this final shot.

December 30th 2011 - January 1st 2012 -

Crazy Movie Weekend: Superheroes!

For this one we started with Superman (1978) and ended Sunday night with J-Men Forever! 17 movies - including a full 12 chapter serial - The Adventures of Captain Marvel! Lots of guests popping in and out too!

Superman straight arms a helicopter in one of my favorite moments from Superman (1978).

Captain Marvel takes flight in the 1949 serial.

We stuck in a 3 parter from the TV show as an ersatz Batman movie.

We got animated at one point - here's The Spectre.

We seemed a little DC centric, but here's Full Moon's Dr. Strange ripoff Dr. Mordrid.

And the two Captain America TV movies got us more Marvel love.

These were all a blast, and as 2012 got underway - my movie partners in crime and I started planning the biggest Crazy Movie Weekend yet - one that would take place across the four day Memorial Day weekend - and pack in more movies than any of the previous CMWs. Did we succeed? Well, let's put it this way - that weekend did occur, and there was enough wackiness going on to rate a separate post! Come back tomorrow for all the hijinx!

Until then, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Craig, I can't think of a better way to spend the weekend. Both Captain America movies? Retro man.

  2. Well, I'm too OCD not to start with the origin movie - but it's well known that the second movie - while still pretty crappy - is better - so Cap became of the few repeating heroes (Superman turned up later in the program in animated form) that night.

  3. Cool! Is it wrong to say I am in love with your television? Halloween and Night of Living Dead are two all time faves for me. And you certainly got in the superhero love. I can't wait to see what was on tap tomorrow night.

    1. You may join me in a romantic triangle with my TV - for I do love it so. Teaser - 20 movies!

  4. Hobo with a Shotgun was a blast! (no pun intended) I got to admit, that ending was a lot better of a downbeater than that of The Mist. That is how you properly make a movie memorable!

    1. That is so very true - it was a hella ending for the first CMW, that is for sure!

  5. wow, that's what I call movie marathons. Makes me wanna travel to USA even more! :) One day, one day...

    1. I hope you make it - you have a reserved seat anytime we gear one of these things up!
