Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 5/5/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

On this Cinco de Mayo, I would like to believe Sergio Calderone would, so we are picking this one:

I read Scott Smith's novel before I saw the movie - and I thought the novel was marvelous. The movie turned out to be a pretty good adaptation too. And it's a movie that takes place in Mexico, hence the Cinco de Mayo connection.

Plus, ss the trailer states - five explorers - five. Five May live, or Five May Die. Seems appropriate on 5 May.

In case you didn't see this I won't say any more about it - except that it resides in the video vault on a fine Blu-Ray which we could be watching on this most apt evening if you decide to come over!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Amazing movie, but sadly totally underrated for whatever reason. Love the fact that Ben Stiller produced it :)

    1. It is sadly underrated - I really liked it a lot. And that is pretty wild - to think of Ben Stiller being around set (though he was possibly above the line enough to never leave his office).

  2. Hey I remember this one! Fun movie for a crazy movie weekend.

  3. The Ruins? I watched this and could not get into it. I prefer my killer plants to come with a nerdy florist named Seymour. ;) Not a good movie, even for a fun Saturday night for me. I think I'm the only one who didn't like it. All my horror pals here enjoyed it.

    1. Sometimes movies don't work for certain people - but I'm surprised - if asked to guess I would have said you thought this was good, not great. Hm. Ah well!
