Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 5/26/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

I would think after all my research the Ronee Blakely most definitely would....and this weekend is not just any weekend...this is Crazy Movie Weekend-Friday/Freddy: 30 Years of Dead Teens...and after all the love Jason's gotten on this's time to get ready for Freddy!

I was supposed to see this movie in Harrisburg, Illinois (south of my town McLeansboro) with some friends soon after it opened, but the evening started at Pizza Hut, and ended in the emergency room when a friend visiting from Oregon stepped off the curb at the restaurant wrong and twisted her ankle badly. She tried to press on and we actually paid and went in the theater, but she was in agony, so we left (I don't remember if we got refunds, but I'm thinking no) and took her to the hospital. She'd cracked a bone and was off her feet for the rest of her trip. After she got on the plane to go home, we went to see the movie finally over in Harrisburg. We were all wowed by it but I'm kind of glad she didn't see it with us - she was a very 'interesting' young lady who had a lot of belief in dreams and the spirit world - she believed she was the sister of then-recently deceased guitarist Randy Rhoads, and that his ghost was with her all the time, even taking over her body at times to write letters and such - so I'm not sure what kind of an effect this movie would have had on her. I'm sure she saw it later, but we lost touch not long after that, so I don't know how it ended up affecting her. I liked the movie though, a lot.

And it now resides in the video vault in a fine Blu-Ray edition - and it kicked off Freddy's first round in this movie marathon weekend. But you could still come by and we could check it - or whichever sequel we're up to when you arrive - out. I'll bring the popcorn, you bring the you.

And until next post - you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Enjoy the marathon! I'd love to come by, but... well, you know. There's a little distance problem :)

    1. Harry - there's always a seat for you at every Crazy Movie Weekend. One of these days we'll have to figure out how to get you into it!

  2. I love, LOVE Freddy. There is no one like Robert Englund, either, to wear the bladed glove. Sorry Jackie Earle, you just didn't cut it for me. I'll have to do a re-watch marathon with you. I first saw this with my friends Rick and Mike, whom I have known since the first day of kindergarten and we shared so many horror film together over the years. We still get together on Halloween and celebrate with an awesome list of flicks. Freddy is definitely among our faves right along with Voorhees. One day I am going to come by your place and we are going to have a hellacool scarey movie fest. I should probably bring these two. ;)

    1. I do love Robert Englund as Freddy - tis true. This marathon was my first viewing of the Nightmare remake - and you nailed it - love Jackie Earle Haley in a lot of movies - and the remake had some cool stuff - but he wasn't Freddy. I was surprised at the disparity in bodycounts between the two horror icons - as will be seen in an upcoming post...

      And there's a seat for you at all Crazy Movie Weekends too! We might have to squeeze a bit to get your buds in - but let's see what we can do!
