Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 5/19/12!

Who cares what picture we see?
Sadly, I kinda doubt Burt Young does, but even so - we will pick this one:

Here's another horror flick from back in the day that I simply missed! Didn't see it in the theater; it didn't play any cable channel I had; never saw it available to rent on VHS. What a great tagline on the poster - playing off the tagline for Jaws 2 - and as the trailer shows, it's even in the movie's dialogue!

This flick's got the great John Saxon, the lovely Marianna Hill, and the always good for a chuckle Burt Young in it, and I've just added it to the video vault, so we could be watching it as soon as...tonight! If you wanted to come over and watch it with me, that is!

Like they say, life's a beach, man. Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. saw this a few years ago - and it totally bored the crap outta me. The idea is cool but direction / script are simply terrible. Bleh Beach.

    1. Aw, that's sad to hear - but I can't say I'm surprised - it seems to happen a lot to these movies I've missed for 30 years. Still, I will give it a watch - got to justify the purchase! And, if I agree with you on the quality - maybe I'll assign it in the next round of Project Terrible!

  2. This is a great laugh for me, but the poster is just cheestastically awesome, though. :) Sorry I have been absent, my friend. I am making up for it now and getting around to all your posts that I have missed.

    1. I know you are a tremendously busy woman - your absences are always for good reasons - and never need to be apologized for. We do miss you though! Glad to see you back!
