Monday, May 14, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #68!

No theme this week...

Salsa: The Motion Picture (Cannon Film Group, 1987)

I haven't seen this dancesploitation flick from Cannon's heyday - but I'd give it a look for nostalgia alone. And just think - if you put this together with Hot Dog: The Movie and Hamburger: The Motion Picture - you'd have a heck of a meal!

Mr. No Legs  (Cinema Artists Productions, 1979)

I haven't seen this one either - but wow do I want to! And I'm actively working on making it happen! This crazy exploitation flick is one of those 70's Florida oddities - directed by Ricou Browning - who was the swimming version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon - and starring Richard "Florida's nice this time of year" Jaeckal. It's also got Lloyd Bochner, John Agar, and stunt work from the amazing Joie Chitwood and his crew, who handled the automotive mayhem for Diamonds are Forever and Live and Let Die!

Barracuda  (Republic Pictures, 1978)

Our random third pick almost forced us into a theme - as it's the second Florida-lensed flick this go-round! I think this was originally shot as a mostly land based pollution conspiracy thriller called The Lucifer Project - then reworked after the success of Jaws with a few new scenes involving angry barracudas attacking a couple of guys after being driven mad by the pollution over in the original movie. Consequently, this ends up a pretty bad Jaws cash-in. But you gotta love a cast that includes the incredible Wayne (Jake Speed) Crawford, Jason (The Brain That Wouldn't Die) Evers, William (Blood Feast) Kerwin, and Bert (Billy Jack) Freed. I saw this one on TV not very long after it was made - wouldn't mind a new uncut viewing to see if it's any better than I remember it.

And there you go! Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Oh my gawd, Richard Jaeckel!!! Now there is a villainous man. LOL

    Funny you should mention John Agar ad the Creature from the Blakc Lagoon. I just saw Revenge of the Creature with John and starring as his lab assistant...Clint Eastwood. ;)

    1. Clint's first role! The mouse was in his pocket the whole time! Ha!

      Yeah, after this and Jaws of Death, I'm on a bit of a Richard Jaeckal in Florida roll!

  2. Ha, I've seen Barracuda 1-2 years ago. Lame flick with far too little Barracuda-attacks.

    Never heard of the other 2 movies.
    Mr. No Legs? LOL The poster artwork is hilarious :D
    Hot Dog + Hamburger + Salsa = Fast Food: The Movie ;-)

    1. Yeah, I remember being bored out of my skull by all of the talking on land and not being eaten in the water when I watched Barracuda a million years ago.

      Isn't that a great poster! I'm working on getting this one into the video vault even as we speak!

      There actually was a Fast Food! It starred Jim (Ernest P. Worrell) Varney and Traci Lords! There's a film festival right there! Hell, throw in Good Burger too!

    2. Believe it or not, but my surname is "Burger". Yes, "Harald Burger" full name.
      This gives the Throw in good Burger a new meaning LOL :D

    3. Oh what a great name! So let me amend that last sentence to: Hell, throw in Good Burger too! I mean, we already got the Best Burger! ;)

  3. Lovin' the Salsa poster. Yep, that's HOT!

    Mr. No Legs?! WOW! Wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley. Or a lit alley for that matter.

    I never saw Baracuda but it must have been better than the Jaws sequels. Although Jaws II wasn't completely lame thanks to Roy Scheider.

    1. It is HOT! It's really kind of a nice poster for what I'm sure is a pretty bad movie.

      Yeah, I'm all for avoiding all alleys where you might meet Mr. No Legs!

      No, Barracuda does not rate higher than ANY of the Jaws sequels - not even Jaws: The Revenge - if for no other reason than all of the Jaws movies actually had several minutes of the film's running time devoted to the shark!

  4. Craig, the title alone of Mr. No Legs should have gotten an award. LOL

    1. I totally agree! Maybe we should start a new awards program! We need a cute name for them - The Movie Title Awards would be the official name - but the award itself needs a name like Oscar...O! I know! The Markies! (Marquees!) Let's make a million with it Maurice!

    2. Ever been to the Smithee Awards? Terrific site...don't think they've got a category for title, though.

      "Mr. No-Legs" just makes me think of the "murder chair":
