Saturday, April 21, 2012

A-Z Challenge 2012: S is for The Spy Who Loved Me!

In this April 2012 A-Z Blogging Challenge I'm making no secret that I love James Bond - in this, the 50th Anniversary year of 007 in the Movies. So could you be the tiniest bit surprised that I'm jumping on the Bond Wagon for this...

Saturday Night at the Movies 4/21/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

Walter Gotell does more than you could ever know, and in his honor:

S is for The Spy Who Loved Me!

Roger Moore's third Bond movie was the first to be produced solely by Albert Broccoli - and if anyone was worried whether or not "Cubby" could handle producing a 007 picture without his former partner Harry Saltzman - they needn't have bothered. It's a heck of movie - a huge production that entailed building the largest soundstage ever built to that time - and the 007 stage at Pinewood was used for other big movies - like The Empire Strikes Back until its untimely demolition in a fire in the mid-80's. Thankfully, it was rebuilt even bigger and christened the Albert R Broccoli 007 stage.

And since we're having some fun - check out this teaser trailer for the movie - with Roger Moore narrating!

And let's throw in a recently put together "fan trailer" edited by some clever person and uploaded to YouTube - here's how the trailer might go these days - ala 2006's Casino Royale...

I think it would be T riffic if you would come back Monday for the next post - until then, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Roger Moore isn't my favorite Bond, but this is one of the very best Bond movies.

    1. I see where you're going with that - back in the 80's, when there had only been three 007 actors - a friend told me he liked Connery's Bond better - but Moore's movies more. Interesting, that.

  2. Absolutely amazing Bond movie with my favorite Bond (Roger!). As you can guess, it's pretty popular here in Austria :)

    Love the fan trailer, simply kick-ass!

    1. One of my very favorites too, Harry! Yeah, I can see this one - and The Living Daylights - being big Austrian hits!

      So many talented people make these things and post them - I like to highlight the cool ones!

  3. How I loved this movie and the Carly Simon theme song. That fan trailer rocks! ;)

    1. I remember sitting through all of Casey Kasem's American Top 40 one week trying to catch Meco's Disco Star Wars theme on a tape recorder - and it was number 1 that week, so it was a long wait. But #2 was Nobody Does It Better - and that was the only other song I taped that day!

      Great fan trailer by Mr. Wint!

  4. My dad loves James Bond movies. I like Sean Connery the best.

    Found you on Blogging A to Z!

    1. Hey Jake and Terri! My dad isn't such a fan - I discovered them on my own - and I like all 6 007s!

      Thanks for coming by!
