Monday, April 16, 2012

A-Z Challenge 2012: N is for Never Movie Posters!

And here we go on the second half of the April 2012 A-Z Blogging Challenge - and we're back around to another regular department here:

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #64!

It's what we always do on Mondays - it's always three movie posters - and it's always pretty well received - which in this case is ironic, since...

N is for Never Movie Posters!

Never Too Young To Die  (Charter Entertainment, 1986)

This goofy action movie from the mid-80's tries to go 007 but on a much lower budget - but it does have one time Bond actor George Lazenby as Drew Stargrove, superspy and father of high school gymnast (!) John Stamos, who is drawn into one of his father's adventures trying to stop a power crazed hermaphrodite (!!) played with much fervor by Gene Simmons. Vanity shows up to provide eye candy. What more could anyone ask?

Never a Dull Moment  (Walt Disney Productions, 1968)

Leonard Maltin says that despite the title there are plenty of them in this Disney comedy - I haven't seen it - but hey, it's Dick Van Dyke, a latter day role for Edward G. Robinson, and the last name in the cast list is Slim Pickens - I'm betting there's an hour and a half of entertainment in there somewhere...

Never Say Never Again  (Warner Bros, 1983)

1983 was a good year to be a Bond fan - every Bond actor up to that time did something that year - starting off with George Lazenby making a cameo as "JB" in the TV reunion movie The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E. in the spring - then Roger Moore's sixth Bond flick Octopussy in the early summer, and lastly this one-shot return to the role for Sean Connery from the late summer. This poster is a foreign release poster - most likely Great Britain's, but not a Quad - but it beats the American poster by aping the crazy montage style of the then-recent Roger Moore Bond posters.

O boy I hope you come back for tomorrow's post! Until then, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. I would have been disappointed if you hadn't included Never Say Never Again.

    1. I would have been downright devastated! Thanks for coming by!

  2. OMG! I love this post!

    I've never seen this movie but "power crazed hemaphrodite!"? LOL.

    Never saw this one either. Dick Van Dyke is amazing but Edward G. Robinson in a comedy? He will always be the crusty insurance claims manager in Double Indemnity to me.

    I've seen all the Bond flicks. Sean Connery ROCKS!!! I love that poster.

    1. Luana! Always thrilled to see you - yeah - I actually just ordered this for the video vault - so at some point you might get the trailer for a Saturday Night at the Movies post - and you'll really see that "power crazed hermaphrodite" in action!

      I missed Never a Dull Moment too. I'd watch it - just never had the opportunity.

      Love me some 007!

  3. Geez, the eighties were bad for fashion. John Stamos looks as bad ass in those Converse high tops with his torn jeans tucked in as John Travolta did in Saturday Night Fever. Never heard of that movie and there's probably a reason. Poor Uncle Jessie.

  4. Never Say Never!!! LOVE that movie!

  5. Yay, I love Never Say Never Again - but I never heard of the other 2 movies.

    Like every week, I'm doing some translation stuff :)
    ~ NTYTD: "Lance - Stirb niemals jung" (= Lance - Never Die Young)
    ~ NADM: "Wie klaut man ein Gemälde" (= How to steal a painting)
    ~ NSNA: "Sag niemals nie" (=Never say never)

    1. Harry - I can't tell you how much I love your translated title comments! I like the first one best - taking a simple American statement and turning it into a typical German command! LOL

  6. haha love john stamos--i don't think i have ever seen any of these

    1. If you watched NTYtD, your worldview of John Stamos would be forcibly changed...thanks for coming by and following!

  7. I remember seeing NEVER A DULL MOMENT at the drive-in with my family. The whole experience was a blast! I miss drive-ins! :)

    1. Wow - that's really cool, DL! Do you remember what the other movie was that night?

  8. I've got to track down Never a Dull Moment. Dick Van Dyke is such a talented performer (He was the highlight of Night at the Museum for me), and a movie with him AND Slim Pickens is worth tracking down...

    1. Absolutely! I don't know what kind of availability there is - you would think with multiple Disney cable channels there would be some of the old movies shown - but they're too busy showing the 43 variations of the same show they keep making to bother with a 40+ year old movie. Leave it to TCM to show some classic Disney formatted correctly the last couple of years. Good luck on the search!

  9. for a moment there, i thought that was Adam Sandler in that Disney flick!

    1. I went back and looked - and I can totally see it!
