Thursday, April 12, 2012

A-Z Challenge 2012: K is for Karloff PSAs!

We're almost to the halfway point of the April 2012 A-Z Blogging Challenge - and I'm going to take a backseat for this post - so artist Rob Kelly and one of our great genre actors can serve the public with some announcing - so I'll just stick around long enough to tell you that...

K is for Karloff PSAs!

Our first public service announcement is of interest to those sun worshippers out there.

I totally agree with him, IMHOTEP. (In My Humble Opinion Taking Every Precaution)

Our second PSA finds Boris feeling more Dylan than villain:

Truer words were never spoken.

L, that's going to do it for today's post - though I do hope you're planning a return trip tomorrow! Until then, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Hah! LOL. This is hilarious. Followed.

    1. Matthew! Thank you and welcome aboard! I'll drop by your place in return this evening!

  2. Great posters of Karloff! Love the retro artwork and the HILARIOUS PSA announcements. You ROCK!

    1. Thank you Luana! I really like these pieces of art - and I'm thrilled to spread their words of wisdom!

  3. Friday night, I heard David Gerrold, writer of the classic Star Trek episode, The Trouble With Tribbles, speak. Biggest surprise of the evening? He wanted the part of intergalactic trader Cyrano Jones to be played by--you guessed it--Boris Karloff.

    Karloff would have stolen the show.

    1. Indeed he would have! That would have been amazing casting - although Stanley Adams was a lot of fun. How was Mr. Gerrold otherwise - did you get any one on one time?

  4. Haha, Karloff is the Man! Cool retro artwork, cool announcements.

    1. Yes he is! YES he is! Thanks for the kudos, Harry!
