Monday, April 9, 2012

A-Z Challenge 2012: H is for Hard Movie Posters!

It's Monday, so it's time for Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #64! And for these three movie posters we need a theme, and this time we can't make it too easy. No way! Because after all...

H is for Hard Movie Posters!

Take a Hard Ride  (20th Century Fox, 1975)

I'm not sure why Buffalo Bill is writing taglines for movie posters, but here's a gorgeous Western filmed in the Canary Islands with a fine cast. This is one I'd like to see as a remastered Blu-Ray.

The Hard Road  (Four Star Productions, 1970)

One of those cautionary tales from the late 60's era - I haven't seen it - but Gary Graver worked on a wide range of very eclectic movies over his long career - it's bound to be worth a look.

The Dragon Dies Hard  (Allied Artists, 1976)

Another "Brucesploitation" flick in the wake of the passing of Mr. Lee, this one casts Bruce Le as a fan investigating the death of the martial arts superstar - I haven't seen it - but I would watch it in a heartbeat.

"I" sincerely hope you'll come back for tomorrow's post, and until that time, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. No Die Hard? That's my favorite of the "Hard" movies. But Take a Hard Ride is awesome too. Great post.

    1. No, we all know and love Die Hard - and like I said in the opening blurb - this post couldn't be easy...thanks for coming by!

  2. I would see 'Take A Hard Ride' but the other two are not my cup a cinema. Nice to meet you.

    1. And you! 1 out of 3 ain't bad - that's what Meatloaf said, right? ;)

  3. I was going to as about Die Hard, as well. Bruce Lee brings 'em in every time. Even if you're not a martial arts fan (like me), you gotta respect The Bruce.

    1. Well, you and I do, Luana - but the filmmakers who made all the crazy Bruceploitation movies like the one above - maybe not so much. Cheers!

  4. I'm 0-3 with these. And I agree with the Die Hard? :)

    1. I'm only 1-2 myself - but that just means there's more out there to seek out, right? Thanks for coming by, DL!

  5. Hell Yeah... no this is a post that I love!

    Happy... to the challenge "H" is for Harmonious!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    A to Z Co-Host
    My New Book:
    Retro-Zombie: Art and Words

    1. Thanks man! Counter-following - will drop in very soon! Looking forward to it!

  6. Hi, Craig! Like I told Melissa, I've been enormously busy with work lately, so not only have I neglected my own blog, but I've been virtually incapable of following your great A-Z work as well (and so many others.) It looks you're doing another stellar job, repeating the awesome work you did last year.

    Best of luck as you progress forward to that ultimate Alphabetic monster, the letter Z :)

    1. Well, I understand being busy - but we are missing your A-Z this year. I'm trying to stay away from the sophomore slump - keep your fingers crossed for me!

  7. Always get props for working in Bruce Lee movies! Great post.

    1. Thank you ma'am! Does that still apply when they're pseudo Bruce Lee movies?

  8. I've seen the first and third movies. I posed for the second poster. :) I really like all three posters.

    Thanks for visiting The Ruralhood even though it's not on the A-Z circuit. I've promised T.R. that I will be back posting my stuff in May.


    1. Teresa - I knew I liked you! You looked great at the photo shoot. Nice lingerie.

      I can't wait to dig in over at The Ruralhood as soon as time... stops... strangling... me...

  9. I would see these movies in heartbeat myself. I think you are some kind of mad genius savant when it comes to movies. ;)

    1. Thank you MB - and we should just go on and plan to watch them together!

  10. Great posters! Now I want to see all of them. Legit.

    1. M - me too! Let's track them down and trade them back and forth!

  11. I know I've said it before, but I miss the days when posters were representative of the movie, rather than Photoshopped faces of the cast peering out from various angles...

    1. I'm with you - but then, back in those days - the poster actually had to try to sell the movie!
