Monday, March 19, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #61!

Theme Week!

Since it's March Madness - let's hit the court with 1970's Basketball Movies!

One on One  (Warner Bros., 1977)

I never saw this back in the day - as Robby Benson dramas weren't my cup of tea then. I'd watch it now if it turned up on cable or something - as I love the time period - and G.D. Spradlin makes a heck of an antagonist.

Fast Break  (Columbia Pictures, 1979)

Although not sports enthusiasts, my parents went to see this one at the theater and really enjoyed it. I watched it when it premiered on Showtime a year or two later and I thought it was a fun little movie. I'd like to see it again to see how it holds up. And I must point out that this is another movie poster with art from the great Jack Davis of EC comics and Mad Magazine fame!

The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh  (United Artists, 1979)

1979 was quite the year for basketball comedies, eh? This one also played on Showtime a lot - but I skipped it. Now it's a must see for me - but like Skatetown USA it continually eludes me, dang it.

And there's the buzzer! Let's hit the showers, and until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. OMG where do you find these? Well, you are the god so you have immortal super powers.

    I would love to get a hold of these. Robbie Benson... Beast from Beauty and the Beast. I saw his Ice Castles with Lynn-Holly Johnson, the reigning queen of formulaic drama. God that movie puts me into a diabetic coma. ;)

    1. My memory dredges these things up - my mind is like the swamp behind the Bates Motel - just replace cars full of evidence with weird old movies..and you can see what I mean.

      I just watched Ice Castles - it wasn't bad - you know, for a formulaic sports movie/disease of the week flick - I can't remember if I took notes for a review here or not. I imagine One on One would be much the same, minus the blindness.

  2. LOL never heard of them. Only Basketball movie I've ever seen was Space Jam :)

    German Titles

    One On One:
    Mann, du bist klasse = Dude, You Are Great

    Die Chance seines Lebens = The Chance Of His Life

    Fish That Saved Pittsburgh:
    Das Wunder von Pittsburgh = The Wonder Of Pittsburgh

  3. Basketball movies?! For real!? LOL!!! Great topic! I am in love with the Jack Davis poster. I was a huge fan of MAD back in the day. In fact, that magazine inspired me to become a comedy writer. And the artwork was fabulous!
