Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Night at the Movies 1/28/12!

Who cares what picture we see?

Maybe Warner Oland does, so the choice is made:

Oh sure, we love Lon Chaney Jr. as Larry Talbot, but Universal had a werewolf before they had a Wolfman. This one is more than 75 years old - so it's a bit creaky, and legend has it Hull was not a particularly patient man in makeup man Jack Pierce's chair, so his wolf form is a little less hairy than you might expect - in fact, since neither the trailer or the poster show him - let's throw in a bonus photo of Hull in werewolf form:

Still a cool looking werewolf...

 - but there are some great moments scattered across the movie, and it is well worth a watch. I have it in a swell Wolfman DVD box set from Universal - so it could be humming in the player in moments, should you care to come over and watch it with me - even tonight!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Never seen Werewolf of London but I'm an avid admirer of "The Werewolf Of Washington" :-)

  2. Harry - firstly, you're aptly named for a comment on a werewolf post! You should give this one a try! If you liked ...Washington you would probably enjoy ...London!

  3. I love my werewolf movies and this was one of my all time faves and firsts. I love the old ladies in here, especially when they peek through the keyhole. And I've always wondered how a wolf could remember his hat and scarf. LOL

  4. Melissa - oh wow, those old ladies were gold! And he was probably the most human of werewolves - stalking out in full dress - which is just how my Sideshow Collectible figure of him is decked out! Cheers!
