Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #50!

The Brothers Rico  (Columbia Pictures, 1957)

Trauma  (Entertainment International Pictures, 1976)

Blood Orgy of the She-Devils  (Geneni Film Distributing, 1972)

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Totally random! Blood orgie of the she devils? LOL!

  2. Wow, never seen that awesome Trauma poster. The Blood Orgy artwork is also tremenously kick-ass. Great stuff!

  3. Luana - yeah, we begin 2012 back in random mode! And you always gotta love Ted Mikels's stuff!

    Maynard - I was in a rush on this one - trying to do an overhaul on the whole blog - and despite the hurry, this post came out okay, I would agree!

  4. The zany, obscure depths of your cinematic knowledge know no bounds. Intriguing picks you've assembled here if only because I've never heard of 'em. For that, you deserve my praise!

  5. This is superlative stuff. You are The Vault Master, my friend. Would love to do a movie night with you someday. It would be epic!

  6. MV - The highest praise from a cineaste such as yourself! Thank you!

    MB - Oh what sights and sounds would unfold at an Imaginarium/LGOOH Film Festival! Thanks for the kudos!
