Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday Night at the Movies 12/17/11!

Who cares what picture we see?

I have a feeling Eric Da Re wouldn't give a flip - but considering the season, and our new blog pal Kaijinu's love of the red stuff - we're going with this one:

In those wild direct-to-video sequel-crazy days of the late 80's, there were scads of part 3s and part 4s popping up - here's one that gets particularly out there - after suffering apparently terminal head trauma in the climax of part 2 - Santa Claus killer Ricky is believed dead - but oh no! A mad scientist has repaired the damage and gotten Ricky back on his feet - with his cobbled together brain stored in a clear glass serving dish on top of Ricky's dome (!) From there it's pretty much business as usual - or unusual when the filmmakers are this nuts - but check out these cast tidbits - Ricky is played this time out by Bill Moseley - of Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 and The Devil's Rejects fame! You got LGOOH Ultrafave Robert Culp (TV's The Greatest American Hero) as the cop on the case! And in a weird bit of perfect timing synergy - you have Richard Beymer and Eric Da Re among the cast - two actors who were at the time of this movie's video release costarring on the hit ABC series Twin Peaks!

And this movie resides somewhere in the video vault - not sure if VHS or DVD - or both - but I could find it in ten minutes or so - if you wanted to come watch it...even tonight...

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. ...wait, isn't this the one where Bill had to done a salad bowl over his brain that made him look like a human version of Mojo Jojo?

  2. Kaijinu - Exactly! Wonder what he'd have to say about this one now?

  3. Okay, so I'm three posts behind. LOL I remember this one. The bowl thing was very distracting and made me think of The Brain That Wouldn't Die.
