Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shrewed Reawakening!

Okay folks, I told you about this exciting bit of news back in June - there was a sequel to 1959's The Killer Shrews in the can - well, while the post production phase is still underway, director Steve Latshaw has unveiled the sequel's trailer - in gorgeous HD! And here it is - The Return of the Killer Shrews!

Wow - is that gorgeous or what? I love the crisp cinematography, the lush locations - and that cast! I have to point out again that in returning as Captain Thorne Sherman, the great James Best must have set a new record - as this second performance comes 52 (!) years after he first played the role!

And if you don't get the in-joke when Bruce Davison says "Tear 'im up!", well, then, all I can say is: Rats!

I'm jazzed to see this - there's no firm release date yet - Mr. Latshaw has advised they are still working on the final sound mix - but you can bet when the word is given - you will find it here!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. YES!!! I am so excited about this. I loved the original and have seen it multiple times on television as well as my own DVD, which has sadly gone missing. :( James Best and Bruce Davison look awesome. Bruce was just in a local horror thriller called Munger Road about a local ghost story and a serial killer.

  2. MB - Yes, I thought you might like this! I wonder if the DVD release will contain the original as an extra? Thinking it might since it is public domain now. I love the entire cast here - and think Munger Road sounds intriguing - is it out, or just wrapped production? Bruce Davison makes everything better, so it has to be at least worth a look. And I'm happy to report that although I didn't work on it, the movie Summer Catch was shot here in Wilmington a few years ago, and my makeup pals who worked on it report that Mr. Davison is a blast to work with - telling great stories about stuff he's worked on, like Willard, and generally being one of those classy professionals we always most enjoyed. Thanks for coming by Melissa!

  3. ...there is a God...AND WHAT A GOOD SPORT HE IS! No kidding? I love Killer Shrews, the bad boy of bad movies is finally having a sequel!

  4. Kaijinu - I absolutely feel the same way - and what I particularly love here - first: instead of a name-only sequel with no connection to the original - you have the lead actor returning after more than half a century! Second: it's a mini Dukes of Hazzard reunion with John Schneider (Bo) and Rick Hurst (Cletus) joining Mr. Best (Rosco)! Third: it's obviously a labor of love for director Steve Latshaw! I think this movie is going to rock!
