Monday, October 10, 2011

Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #38!

We're deep into the 2011 Halloween Blogfest Blowout, so you know it's going to be the scary stuff on display...

This time out - we'll go with a theme - movies set on Halloween!

Night of the Demons  (International Film Marketing, 1988)

I haven't seen this one in a long time - but I reviewed it for my old newsletter Mad Mike's Multitudinous Maniacal Movies about twenty years ago - and I think I gave it a thumbs up. I need to check it out again.

Trick R Treat  (Warner Bros., 2007)

I made this one the centerpiece of my viewing on Halloween night last year - it ended up being one of those cases where the movie ended up a bit built up after all the positives I'd read - and my viewing found it to be okay, not great. But I own it, and usually a second viewing with proper expectations will set things aright.

Ernest Scared Stupid  (Touchstone Pictures, 1991)


Until tomorrow's post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. LOL Night of the Demons. What an awesome cheese fest. I'll have to rewatch this one very soon. And starring good ol' Linnea Quigley. You know they don't make scream queens like her or Ingrid Pitt anymore.

  2. MB! You are exactly right - though there are some cuties wandering the cinematic horror landscape here and there - none compare to the duo you mention or a few others. I do remember my original review of this movie mentioning that Linnea's lipstick trick in NotD had Molly Ringwald's in The Breakfast Club beat all hollow!
