Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Night at the Movies! 8/13/11

Who cares what picture we see?

I'm not sure if John Candy would or not, unless it was one of those "finer nudie pictures...from Sweden!" But this week marks the one year Blogoversary for Let's Get Out of Here!, and way back in post #1 there was a reprint of the very first movie review I ever wrote, which was published in my local newspaper!

So let's wrap up a celebratory week here with the same movie:

I went to see this movie in the theater, not expecting much, although it did have that guy I liked from TV's Bosom Buddies, and that girl I thought was so sexy in Blade Runner. But then I saw it, and I absolutely loved it - it was funny, and romantic, and it featured one of those perfect fantasy girls I liked to daydream about in school.

I was such a fan of this movie I tried to rent it to watch again on the first day it came out at my local video store - where they knew me so well I just kind of fell into working there a couple of years later - but the movie was already rented by a guy who worked at the local supermarket. And of course, in those days when the purchase price for a rental copy was $70-$80-$90, you know the store only had one! Well, I dutifully waited for him to return it two or three days later - whatever the rental period was in those early VHS days - and on the day it was to return - he didn't bring it back! I couldn't believe it!

And now you're not going to believe it - but this is absolutely true: From the video store I drove over to the grocery store where the guy worked and cajoled him into giving me the keys to his trailer, where I went and retrieved the tape, then took his keys back before taking the tape back to the store to rent it myself! And he went along with it! Does that tell you how small a town I lived in? And that this was several years ago?

I also managed to glom onto a life size poster of Madison the Mermaid from the same video store - as they had almost no room to display such things. It filled the wall at the head of my bed for a good long while - here is what it looked like:

Wow, I wish I still had that poster - and six feet of open wall space to hang it on!

In any case, the 20th Anniversary DVD version of Splash sits near at hand, ready to watch at any time - even, say, tonight? Should you decide to come over, that is.

And until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. OMG I loved this movie! I met John Candy when he filmed Only The Lonely here in Chitown. They filmed a scene at the Blackstone theater where I worked. I think I managed to choke out some sort of greeting. My fave Candy films have to be Uncle Buck and the Great Outdoors.

    And wow, did that guy ever trust you. That's unbelivably sneaky, too. :) I'm proud to know you.

    I remember thtop load VHS days and what a utter treat it was in school when they would whell in that monstrous television with the magic tale and we would be treated to some Disney flick. Escape to Witch Mountain was the first movie I ever remember watching on the old VHS. I still have many tapes. Fright Night, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, I Spit On Your Grave, The Howling...

  2. Melissa! Wow! You actually got to meet John Candy! That is beyond cool! I'd love to see a piece about that over at the Imaginarium, if you'd care to share! I was depleting the VHS collection happily, as DVD came in, VHS went out. And that's still happening. But when I realized there are thousands of movies that were released during the VHS boom that will NEVER see DVD, I started collecting again. *sigh*

    Deirdra - Thank you so much for the award!

  3. Love this movie! It was magical...and so romantic. I love the ending where she took him to her world. I was also a fan of Bossom sitcom EVER!

    I will never forget my first movie on VHS. Superman. It was amazing!

  4. Luana - Splash really is a magical movie - and that they could go from belly laughs to heart strings - wonderful! And what a terrific movie to introduce you to home video! I have seen Superman literally dozens of times - I can do the dialogue word for word (with the theatrical cut). I would watch it any day or night with anyone who will sit down with me in front of it. Thanks for coming by, pal!

  5. Count DeV - me too! Heady times they were, in our salad days!
