Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Video Vault of Mora Tau! 7/6/11

It's Rex Manning Day!

And that means we must celebrate with some video clips from Empire Records!

I know! Let's have a fairly random clip from the movie that very briefly features a particularly familiar face from around these parts - and no, it's not Buddha Man...or Bling Monkey...and let's put it this way - there's only one guy in that autograph line...

The star they are referring to - Rex Manning - is a faded teen idol played by the great Maxwell Caulfield who is trying to hold on to his fame with a new CD and a record store autograph tour. A complete video of Rex's latest song is shown in bits and pieces throughout the movie - here is the whole video - shot in Wrightsville Beach NC by a talented local production company, Twinkle Doon:

And while we're on the subjects of music videos - here's The Gin Blossoms' "Til I Hear It From You", my favorite song from the Empire Records soundtrack.

That explains my profile photo then. I've been toying with the idea of blogging my production stories - and Empire Records would yield a few...from watching a cast member whittling his own bong to pulling two of the actors out of a gay bar at one in the morning; from Tobey Maguire's name in the credits but lack of appearance in the movie to my adventure with Liv Tyler's panties...
Yes, that sound you've been hearing is me tooting my own horn - but hey, it's my blog, right? ;) And til next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Another old/new movie to add to my watch list. LOVE THE MUSIC VIDEO "Til I Hear it From You"!!! Very creative visuals...and a great song.

  2. Yeah, it really is - the video has nothing to do with the movie, sadly, but the movie does use the song in a few places. If you do watch Luana, check the end credits for a familiar name TWICE - once in the cast list, and once in the crew list. ;)
