Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Video Vault of Mora Tau! 7/26/11

At the risk of turning the blog into a Captain America overload - but in order to keep the interest up while we're waiting for that one post you know is coming...here's some video clips featuring the Marvel hero!

Perhaps you prefer your superheroes a little more...animated?

And if you're getting hungry, we could always have a little...serial?

And I think that's enough....jokes? for one night. Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Do not waste your money seeing The Golden Dunderhead that is this incarnation of Captain America. Evans plays him exactly like Reb Brown. What a disappointment the movie was and a huge waste of money. I am currently skewering it for my review.

  2. Melissa - Ouch! Sorry it didn't work for you. I will definitely check out your review to see why. But like the guy said in The Streak "Too late! I've already been mooned!" My review should be appearing tonight for tomorrow. Thanks for coming by!
