Saturday, April 30, 2011

The April 2011 A - Z Blogging Challenge - Z is for Zapped!

Saturday Night at the Movies! 4/30/11

Who cares what picture we see?

I do, dammit, and it's my birthday! So this is the flick for tonight!

Well, there used to be a trailer for Zapped here, as there always is for a Saturday Night at the Movies post - but it went away, and no one has uploaded a new one. But I'm not taking this post down - no sir! I'll wait. Someone will upload the trailer sometime. You wait and see. Or don't wait and see - go on and check out the rest of the post....

Ah ha! I knew someone would upload a trailer again. Now, admittedly it has been shot off a television - but at least we have a trailer back in the post! Huzzah!

Not the best quality trailer - but the only one I could find.

Not the best quality trailer - but the only one I could find. (This applies again)

A trailer and a poster usually finishes us up for a Saturday Night at the Movies! post, but this is both my birthday and the end of the April 2011 A - Z Blogging Challenge, so I'm not stopping here - this is truly one of my favorite movies ever - I think you would have had to be a 15 year old lad in 1982 to understand - so I'm throwing some more stuff in. Let's see...what else about Zapped!?

Well, obviously one of the major appeals of the movie for me is Heather Thomas - although she's quite the snooty stinker in the flick - she's also a vision in mostly pink - definitely eye candy of the first order...see what I mean?

By the way - I'll probably give this movie a proper LGOOH review at some point - it's why I had all this stuff ready to go - so that review might look a mite familiar when it posts - but I'll wait a while. Let's see, what else?

Oh, the soundtrack to Zapped! is also one of my absolute favorites - it is a ten song trip through 80's Cheesy Pop Music Land, and I love it! (I still own the soundtrack album - yes, record. As in 33 1/3.)  Here's three of the songs as YouTube video clips - two are static picture videos with the music, the third is a sweet fan video of Scott Baio and Felice Schachter's interactions in the movie edited together and set to one of the love songs. If you haven't seen the movie there are a couple of spoilers here as the footage is from all points in the movie but it's Zapped!, so go ahead and check these out!

King and Queen of Hearts - David Pomeranz

Ready or Not - Plain Jane

Got to Believe in Magic - David Pomeranz
You've been numbed by all the drum machines and 80's lyrical poetry haven't you? Yeah, me too...*sigh* Well, here's the last one - promise - it's The Keane Brothers with their tune Just Tryin to Kill a Saturday Night otherwise known as the opening theme to Zapped!
Well there you go - I figure one of three things have happened - either this brought back fond memories, made you want to see Zapped! or made you happy The April 2011 A - Z Blogging Challenge is over.
Whichever it was, I had a blast taking this challenge on - I want to thank the hosts, all the participants, everyone who dropped by, commented, and/or started following this blog as a result, and special thanks to my pal Joe who pointed me to this challenge in the first place!
And as always, til next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!


  1. Makes me wonder what a 2011 Zapped! would look like, and who would star...

    Thanks for increasing my movie mojo 26-fold in the month of April. I always looked forward to my visits here. They offered laughs AND a walk down memory lane.

    We could all use more of both, I think.

    And thanks, too, for taking the challenge with me, pal o' mine. I probably wouldn't have done it if you hadn't entered your blog in the mix. It was a blast!

    Z: Last Words

  2. Craig: First of all happy birthday (my b-day was April 28...the letter X).

    I will continue checking in cuz I love movies and your posts are so entertaining AND educational.

    Happy blogging!
