Friday, May 31, 2013

Peter Cushing Poster Gallery Part 5!

The Peter Cushing Centennial Blogathon!

I wasn't even aware of this blogfest until my longtime pal Richard posted a link and asked if I was participating.

I'd blogged nearly every day in April doing an A-Z Challenge, and was in a slow mode posting, so my knee jerk reaction was no - and that's what I commented. Then, within the same minute - I commented again - and this time it was yes - after thinking about the fun I'd had celebrating Vincent Price's Centennial (cleverly called the Vincentennial) in May 2011. (That's a hint where to find those posts if you care to check them out - late May 2011. I don't think you'll be able to miss them due to the puns in the titles.)

Consequently I jumped in with both feet. I got the first two posts together - then started working on the third - Maniacal Movie Poster Monday - a celebration of the lovely art used to sell movies back before it became all Photoshop nonsense. I feature three posters each week - and I immediately realized it was going to be well-nigh impossible to boil Peter Cushing's entire amazing career - spanning almost fifty years - down to three movie posters.

Then it hit me - why three? Why not all of them? Every theatrical movie poster from his career. And let's make it 100 - one for every year of his centenary celebration. Initially I was going to do all 100 in that Monday post - but after putting about ten in - I knew that wasn't going to be feasible.

So, I broke it up - twenty posters seemed viable for each post - and that meant I had the other five posts covered.

And here we are - the last run through an epic cinematic journey. My thanks to Pierre over at Frankensteinia - The Frankenstein Blog - for putting this whole thing together - and running a hell of a blog himself.

My thanks to all the participants - the famous and the not-so-famous - we all share a love of Peter Cushing and I'm glad we all got together for this celebration.

And last but not least - thanks to Peter Cushing - and here's just some of the reasons why:

On to the posters!


We've run into a surprising wall here - I assumed some of the early posters would be unavailable online - and that everything after 1970 or so would be well represented. I was wrong.

1978 - stars Bud Cort and Mr. Cushing. Never released outside of Germany.
(Maybe that's why I can't find the poster - though that's the title card up there.)

I hoped that would be our one burble. Nope.

1979. Another very obscure movie. It stars
Oliver Reed and Mr. Cushing. It was also known
as A Touch of the Sun. It may not have been
released to theaters - possibly first appearing on
British television in 1996. (!)

Thankfully, we're back on track with the next movie.



aka Black Jack - 1981





And there you have it - Peter Cushing's film career in movie posters. However, that only got us to 90 - with the three placeholders - and I wanted a poster for every year of his centennial - so we're going for ten more - ten alternate versions of posters already seen.

In no particular order:

aka Night Creatures.

aka Nothing But the Night.

So that's 100.


...with those three placeholders, that's really only 97.

Only one thing to do...

aka Nothing But the Night.

And there's 100!

Thanks for coming by, this has been a hoot!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Peter Cushing Poster Gallery Part 4!

It's the penultimate post in our weeklong salute to one of the great actors of British (and world) cinema!

The Peter Cushing Centennial Blogathon!

This all started with that finest of blogs - Frankensteinia - The Frankenstein Blog - and you can use that link to check 'em out!

But we have business - a chronological journey through all of Mr. Cushing's cinematic efforts by way of the movie posters - and we're just getting going in the 1970's...


















1977 - as if I needed to tell you.



This grouping ends up being Mr. Cushing's busiest period - as we only covered the five years from 1972-1977. Tomorrow we will bring this incredible journey to an end - and may find room for an extra or two...

Until that post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Peter Cushing Poster Gallery Part 3!

Continuing our weeklong celebration of 100 years of a great actor:

The Peter Cushing Centennial Blogathon!

If you'd like to see the wonderful site that started this blogfest off - check out Frankensteinia - The Frankenstein Blog!

This is the third post taking us chronologically through all of Mr. Cushing's movie posters! And off we go!


Try as I might - for the first time in my research I was unable to find the poster for the next movie Some May Live - don't know why that should be - but there it is. However, here's what appears to be a TV ad for a broadcast of the movie - it will serve as the placeholder.



I could only find this double feature poster - the Peter Cushing movie is Island of the Burning Damned,
as I don't believe he and Godzilla ever formally met. 1967.
















And there you have it - another twenty movie posters from Peter Cushing's amazing career 1966-1972! We continue tomorrow - twenty more - come back and check them out!

Until that post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!